Sunday, January 25, 2009

Reading Response 3

Svenonius Chapter 3

I enjoyed the breakdown of "entities" in this chapter with a special interest in the idea of "superworks." At first I was a little confused with what Svenonius was saying a superwork was until she provided the Hamlet example. To be honest, I'm such a huge fan of the band Metallica that I think I might have a superwork of their material. My collection consists of not only their music (CD's, records, digital music, and even tapes) to movie posters, band memorabilia, photos of the band, and videos of certain performances. Obviously it is not a complete collection of everything "Metallica" but it's a bunch of different "works" within a superwork. One question I had was, to have a superwork, do you have to have everything? For example, do you have to have every photo, every song, etc. to officially have a "superwork?"

Choose Your Own Adventure Reading -- (The metadata framework)

I think what I liked the most out of this reading was the line that said "People make stuff. People use stuff. People do deals about stuff." I mean you really can't find a better definition for commerce than that right there. I found the most interesting section to be the paragraph is explaining why Metadata is so critical to e-commerce. The importance in the way things are identified and how they are described is crucial to the health of e-commerce. I never thought about this way but I can now tell that when shopping online after reading about this, you start to pick up on the minor details and you begin to see just how important metadata is for online shopping.

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