Sunday, April 5, 2009

Reading Response 12

The Semantic Web

This is what I'm talking about. This is the type of article I like to read. I couldn't think of a better way to describe the capabilities of the Semantic Web than how it was presented in the first five paragraphs. The anecdote used was a great way to take stray from the technical terms and definitions of the power of semantic web and to put it forth in a way that someone could easily see how beneficial it will be.

I really liked how in the story Pete was able to reformulate the plan within his own parameters. Rather than starting all over the agent immediately adapted to the previous parameters along with the new ones and provided Pete with a new plan while also notifying him of some possible deficiencies.

Semantic Web almost has a robotic feel to it. Whether it be R2-D2 or the creepy villain robot in that Will Smith thriller I-Robot. It's as if it's able to use what it already knows from our current web and it's able to branch out further and branch the communication barriers between humans and computers.

I'd really like to see some sort of timetable or prediction on win many think Semantic Web will be used at the level that our current Internet is today. It's great to think of this as the future but it would be nice to see how long we'll have to wait to be able to use the real thing.

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