Sunday, February 8, 2009

Reading Response 5

Svenonius Chapter 7

The most interesting portion of this reading in my opinion dealt with the importance of a document's "location." I found it kind of confusing that the location of a document in Svenonius' opinion, is the most crucial piece of information towards obtaining the document. I would have thought the actual name of the document or title would be more important but maybe I'm reading it all the wrong way. I still can see what Elaine is trying to point out and maybe I'm just being a little stubborn about it.

Another interesting part of the chapter dealt with the problems of Internet Addresses when accessing documents. As an IS major and someone who deals constantly with computers and web design I could understand the negatives in having a certain address or URL for documents and the problems that arise once that address is changed or altered. It definitely brings up multiple issues, but the thought of URN's (Uniform Resource Names) is an awesome idea. I really hope to see something like that in the future. I can't count how many times I've looked up an old .pdf file just to see a broken link.

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