Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reading Response 7

Cognitive Principles for Information Management:
The Principles of Mnemonic Associative Knowledge

I specifically liked the section on "Failures of Memory." I consider myself to have one of the worst memories of anyone I know because the second I get side-tracked by something I'll quickly forget what I was supposed to be doing or whatever someone just told me. I found it interesting that some researchers believe that memories are in fact permanent, it's the re-activation and re-call of those memories that is difficult. I completely agree with memory performance being affected by what state of mind you are in when the experience occurs. For instance when someone asks me to do something for them while I'm typing up this reading response, 10 minutes later I might not have any clue what they asked me about. However, I can remember every shot, every swing, and every putt from the day's earlier round of golf. I think it's because you concentrate so hard on the task at hand (golfing) that you clearly remember the entire experience later on in the day.

Categories and Concepts Crash Course:

I really enjoyed Aristotle's list of 10 "Categories." That was very interesting to me and a few of which confused me a bit. One that confused me was "Relation e.g. double, half" Was this saying like "half of a pizza" for example? I guess that one category kind of confused me and I would like to get that cleared up.

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