Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reading Response 6

Bernstein & Haas Article -- Information Integration in the Enterprise

In Bernstein and Haas' article I was very interested in learning about different types of Info-Integration tools and to see which ones I liked the most. I'd have to say Document Management caught my eye immediately because I can relate a lot of what I read to what I do everyday for SILS working at the help desk. We continually have spreadsheets for toner stock, documents on wireless printing instructions, and slide show tutorials for using certain programs that we need to put on our web pages for students/faculty to access. We've also gone through the process of combining documents much like Bernstein and Haas' example of a financial analysis.

This type of indexing and organization has enabled us at the help desk to help students/faculty quicker while also providing ourselves with much faster access to anything we need while on the job. It's very cool to see how these certain tools are something that I've been doing everyday at work and not even realized.

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