Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Reading Response 8

The Role of Classification in Knowledge Representation and Discovery

I enjoyed Kwasnik's study on hierarchies as it is something I actually enjoy delving into when categorizing/classifying material. What's interesting to me is studying Aristotle's philosophies on developing hierarchies when categorizing information, I can relate so much of that to what Shayne and I deal with constantly when breaking down our lolcat images. There are so many possible attributes to make subclasses that it becomes incredibly tedious to "classify all lolcats by their essential true qualities" if I was to steal Kwasnik's words.

I also thought it was cool seeing how the Dewey Decimal system was broken down as I have very little experience with library topics such as that. I notice that the bigger number is very broad and each added decimal lowers the search to another subclass for example if I was to do my own I think it would look something like this:

534 Technology
534.3 Computers
534.34 Internet
534.349 Internet Gaming
534.3492 Massively Multiplayer Online Games
534.34921 World of Warcraft

Would that be correct? If so, I'm glad I have a better perspective of what the decimals are actually doing now when I visit a library and see the Dewey Decimal system in use.

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