Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reading Response 10

Let Semantics Bring Sophistication to Your Applications

I completely agree with Coffin when he discusses how search's become too literal with your queries and it's something I deal with on a daily basis. It occurs quite often when searching for help with certain software nowadays especially when that software happens to have its name pulled from a completely different subject, like Green Pepper for example.

I hope it's okay but after reading the short bit about Semantic Web I wanted to focus my reading response more on that topic and the W3C link the article provided on Semantic at the very bottom. The whole idea behind Semantic Web is quite amazing and is definitely something completely new to me. One question I had and couldn't seem to find an answer for is how close is Semantic Web to actually being put in place and used. I'm not sure if that's a stupid question or if it's currently being tested to this day but I noticed the quotes phrased "Semantic Web is expected to..." Expected to when? When will this type of coding be realistic and how will it affect our current world wide web once it's finally unleashed?

If the introduction of a Semantic Web comes about, it's pretty amazing to think that it would change those Green Pepper queries from the expected results of recipes and cooking techniques to reviews and how-to's for the new software. I'm still a little confused about how it all would work but it is a pretty astounding concept.

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