Sunday, March 22, 2009

Reading Response 9

Svenonius Chapter 10

It took me awhile at first but after reading through a few times I began to understand Kaiser's syntax rules or statements. To ensure that I have the right idea of Kaiser's method below I've written my own example and maybe you can verify whether or not I'm on the right track:

Concrete---Process, such as Book---Reading
Country---Process, such as USA---Athletics
Concrete---Country---Process, such as Basketball---USA---Athletics

The last two lines confuse me a bit and that's where I get a little hung up so maybe when I get your response back you can let me know what's right/wrong about my example.

Ever since my last blog post on DDC I can't help but be more intrigued by this type of syntax. I think I prefer it more simply because of how it employs the use of numbers and I see it more often (Campus Libraries). It's more interesting to me now simply because I understand it's use and how I can use it to my advantage. One thing I was wondering is when a new topic arises within a previously known topic, how are the numbers arranged? Pulling from my example from my last entry, here's what I'm trying to say:

534 Technology
534.3 Computers
534.34 Internet
534.349 Internet Gaming
534.3492 Massively Multiplayer Online Games
534.34921 World of Warcraft

In the coming months many believe there will be a release of a "Next-Gen Massively Multiplayer Online Game." If this is the case, any book/information released on a Next-Gen MMO, where would it go?

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