Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Reading Response 11

Gruber 1995 - Ontologies as a Specification Mechanism

The first question I would have after reading over these two section's in Gruber's article is whether or not an ER diagram can be described as an ontology map? They seem very similar and while I have some experience in the field of ER diagrams in relation to databases I actually hadn't come across the word ontology (or maybe I have and just wasn't paying attention). Is there a difference between the two?

I'd be lying if I said that this particular reading wasn't very difficult for me to get through. It involves a lot of new terms that I've never seen or read about so I'm sitting here with more questions that responses. Another thing I was hoping to get a better understanding of was Gruber's comments about "The Knowledge Level" perspective. I guess I didn't completely understand the definition or the explanation that was given in terms of agents and actions.

If I had to give a definition of my own for ontologies it would probably be a representation of a set of concepts based on a certain topic and the relationships between those concepts. I hope that is right, or at least I'm on the right track.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reading Response 10

Let Semantics Bring Sophistication to Your Applications

I completely agree with Coffin when he discusses how search's become too literal with your queries and it's something I deal with on a daily basis. It occurs quite often when searching for help with certain software nowadays especially when that software happens to have its name pulled from a completely different subject, like Green Pepper for example.

I hope it's okay but after reading the short bit about Semantic Web I wanted to focus my reading response more on that topic and the W3C link the article provided on Semantic at the very bottom. The whole idea behind Semantic Web is quite amazing and is definitely something completely new to me. One question I had and couldn't seem to find an answer for is how close is Semantic Web to actually being put in place and used. I'm not sure if that's a stupid question or if it's currently being tested to this day but I noticed the quotes phrased "Semantic Web is expected to..." Expected to when? When will this type of coding be realistic and how will it affect our current world wide web once it's finally unleashed?

If the introduction of a Semantic Web comes about, it's pretty amazing to think that it would change those Green Pepper queries from the expected results of recipes and cooking techniques to reviews and how-to's for the new software. I'm still a little confused about how it all would work but it is a pretty astounding concept.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Reading Response 9

Svenonius Chapter 10

It took me awhile at first but after reading through a few times I began to understand Kaiser's syntax rules or statements. To ensure that I have the right idea of Kaiser's method below I've written my own example and maybe you can verify whether or not I'm on the right track:

Concrete---Process, such as Book---Reading
Country---Process, such as USA---Athletics
Concrete---Country---Process, such as Basketball---USA---Athletics

The last two lines confuse me a bit and that's where I get a little hung up so maybe when I get your response back you can let me know what's right/wrong about my example.

Ever since my last blog post on DDC I can't help but be more intrigued by this type of syntax. I think I prefer it more simply because of how it employs the use of numbers and I see it more often (Campus Libraries). It's more interesting to me now simply because I understand it's use and how I can use it to my advantage. One thing I was wondering is when a new topic arises within a previously known topic, how are the numbers arranged? Pulling from my example from my last entry, here's what I'm trying to say:

534 Technology
534.3 Computers
534.34 Internet
534.349 Internet Gaming
534.3492 Massively Multiplayer Online Games
534.34921 World of Warcraft

In the coming months many believe there will be a release of a "Next-Gen Massively Multiplayer Online Game." If this is the case, any book/information released on a Next-Gen MMO, where would it go?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Reading Response 8

The Role of Classification in Knowledge Representation and Discovery

I enjoyed Kwasnik's study on hierarchies as it is something I actually enjoy delving into when categorizing/classifying material. What's interesting to me is studying Aristotle's philosophies on developing hierarchies when categorizing information, I can relate so much of that to what Shayne and I deal with constantly when breaking down our lolcat images. There are so many possible attributes to make subclasses that it becomes incredibly tedious to "classify all lolcats by their essential true qualities" if I was to steal Kwasnik's words.

I also thought it was cool seeing how the Dewey Decimal system was broken down as I have very little experience with library topics such as that. I notice that the bigger number is very broad and each added decimal lowers the search to another subclass for example if I was to do my own I think it would look something like this:

534 Technology
534.3 Computers
534.34 Internet
534.349 Internet Gaming
534.3492 Massively Multiplayer Online Games
534.34921 World of Warcraft

Would that be correct? If so, I'm glad I have a better perspective of what the decimals are actually doing now when I visit a library and see the Dewey Decimal system in use.